First-time Homebuyers, Don't Skip the Pest Inspection

HomeBlogFirst-time Homebuyers, Don’t Skip the Pest Inspection

Buying your first home is a big step, but even if you’re eager to close the deal and move in, you shouldn’t skip a crucial step: a pest inspection. A pest inspection differs from a general home inspection because it looks for active infestations, damage to wood, and other signs of pests like termites, rodents, and more. Pests are good at hiding, and sellers are good at overlooking what could be a huge headache for you.

First-time Homebuyers, Don't Skip the Pest Inspection

What Does a Pest Inspection Cover?

At Brown Pest Control, we look at the home’s exterior and interior, including crawl spaces, basements, attics, and other places pests love. Our inspectors also look for damaged wood, bug droppings, and chew marks — sure signs there are unwanted guests in your home.

How to Read the Report

After the inspection is done, you’ll get a detailed report with a general description of the inspected building, what kind of pests or problems are found, and suggestions for how to treat or fix the problem. Our reports are straightforward, but we’ll also review the findings with you. It’s crucial to understand what the report says because it could determine if you go through with the purchase or ask the seller to make fixes.

A pest inspection is not just another unnecessary step in buying a home; it’s a crucial one. The last thing you want is to move in and realize the home is infested. So, before you sign on the dotted line, ensure your home-buying checklist includes a full pest inspection. If you have any questions about our pest inspection process, give us a call.

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