Our thorough home pest inspection will identify any pests, the severity of the problem, and provide you with answers about their removal.
It can make you feel like you should be wearing a cape when your superpower involves getting rid of a few pests in your Lewisville, North Carolina home on your own. The thing to recognize, however, is that the ones you saw and dealt with could just be the tip of the iceberg. Unless you are willing to seek out and destroy the many other villains, it is time to call us at Brown Pest Control to schedule a home pest inspection. It is possible, albeit unlikely, that you dealt with the only invaders, but you probably won’t have complete peace of mind until you get the rubber stamp from a pest control professional.
With more than 40 years of experience with pest detection and elimination, we can assure you that your home can be pest-free, including both the visible ones and those deep in hiding that typically come out at night in droves intent on startling any insomnia sufferers. Our thorough home pest inspection is designed to determine what’s getting free rent, how extensive the colony of trespassers is, and what our plan of attack is for sending them packing.
Your home pest inspection won’t shift into pest removal until you tell us to do so. We present you with the challenges involved and give you all the information that you need to make an informed decision about how you want us to proceed. Contact us to schedule your home pest inspection and you could soon have the pest-free home you desire.
At Brown Pest Control, we offer home pest inspection services in Winston-Salem, Rural Hall, King, Danbury, Pfafftown, Lewisville, Clemmons, Mocksville, Advance, Lexington, High Point, and Kernersville, North Carolina.